Taking Part

At ELfLanD, we carry out studies with participants from various age groups. Please check the right panel for information about participants we are currently looking for. If you are interested in taking part or have a question about it, please send us an email to elfland@ed.ac.uk, noting the age of your child. We will get back to you with more information. Below are answers to frequently asked questions about being part our studies with a baby or young child.

What does participating in a study involve?

Depending on the study we run, your baby or child will watch pictures or animation shown on a large TV screen, listen to sound clips, or play a game with one of our researchers. We simply record what babies and children do in these contexts with a camera that is not visible to the child. None of our studies are harmful or invasive, and it is generally an enjoyable experience.

What is it like for my child?

To give you an idea, here is a video clip of a child watching our video clip!

How long will the study take?

The study itself is usually about 5 minutes. We allocate 30 minutes for the whole visit to provide enough time for you child to become accustomed to the environment, and for us to explain the study to you.

Where is your lab?

Our lab is near George Square at the University of Edinburgh. Please see the Find Us page for the exact location.

Will I be separated from my child?

No. You will be with your child at all times. During the study, your child will be sitting on your lap.

Can I bring my other children?

Yes. If you let us know in advance, one of our staff members can be there to entertain them.

What if my child becomes fussy or uninterested during the study?

We understand that some children may not like being in a new environment or they may lose interest in a task. Parents are free to end the session at any point.